• Mom & Me Mug Rug

    Mom and Me Mug Rug to Sew

    Mom and Me Mug Rug Use foundation piecing techniques to create an adorable Mom and Me Mug Rug featuring a fussy-cut fabric print. This project makes a great gift for Mother’s Day, a birthday or any holiday. The Mug Rug is big enough to hold a large mug and a treat, too! MOM & ME MUG RUG SUPPLIES 50 wt. Cotton Thread Organ® size 70/10 Universal Needle Sulky KK 2000™ Temporary Spray Adhesive Various 1¼”-wide coordinating fabric strips Fabric with desirable motif, large enough to fit inside a 2¼” square Premade or self-made bias binding 9” x 10” rectangle of low-loft batting 9” x 10” rectangle of insulated batting, such…