Some Inspiration!
Sulky Certified Teacher and Quilt Artist Chris Eichner recently sent me these great pictures of a maple leaf that she thread painted.
I was already impressed and then I asked her about how she made these two leaves. She answered, “Those aren’t two separate leaves, that is the front and back on one leaf that I thread painted onto an already quilted wall hanging.”
How cool! She said she used Sulky Solvy® as her template. She drew the design onto the Solvy with a pen (I recommend using a FriXion pen), then she stuck the Solvy to the front of the quilted wall hanging with Sulky KK 2000 Temporary Spray Adhesive. She used beautiful Sulky 40 wt. Rayon thread in both the top and the bobbin and free-motion thread-painted the leaf.
The result is a gorgeous leaf on the front and back of a quilt. What a wonderful idea!
Chris has been inspiring us here at Sulky for years. She is the designer of the Pine Scrub at Cathedral Rock landscape in the Fun with Sulky Blendables book (full instructions with pictures on how to make one for yourself are in the book!) and Beautiful Dogwoods in the Sew, Craft, Quilt and Embroider Confidently with Sulky Stabilizers book (We were going for the longest book title ever with that book).

Thanks for all the inspiration, Chris!
Happy Sewing!

Lee Fletcher
Love your work Chris! I loved teaching the Pine Scrub at Cathedral Rock all over of the US and in Korea. You inspire me with every piece that you do.
Nancy Sapin
Good job Chris……always an inspiration!