Peekaboo Pets Dog & Cat Embroidery Designs
Introducing Peekaboo Pets!
A machine embroidery collection featuring cute dogs & cats
The Peekaboo Pets embroidery collection is finally here in time for holiday gift making, pet project making & more. These dogs and cats can be peeking out from the top of a pocket or bag, looking cute and furry. Each of the pets are embroidered using Sulky Filaine™ Thread with Sulky Rayon Thread for detail work, available individually or as a collection.
Filaine is a 12 wt., 100% acrylic thread that “blooms” when brushed with our Filaine Wire Brush, creating the look of faux fur. Our Fur Filaine Thread Assortment coordinates with the Peekaboo Pets design collection, so you’ll have all the cat and dog fur colors needed for the six designs!This thread requires a bit of care and prep for successful high-speed stitching. Read on for some tips to follow to ensure stitching success.
- Don’t use FIlaine in the bobbin. Use a lighter weight thread, such as Sulky Bobbin Thread or Sulky 60 wt. PolyLite. The thread is very dense on its own and the addition of it in the bobbin results in a veritable bulletproof surface that the needle won’t be able to penetrate easily.
- Turn OFF the auto-thread cutting function on your embroidery machine. This will result in more jump threads for you to trim, but it’s worth it to avoid density and knotting on the fabric wrong side during the stitchout.
- Slow the machine speed by at least half. Some people have better success with it slowed even farther.
- Make sure the designs you’re embroidering are digitized for 12 wt. Thread. These designs are often labeled “brushed” or “fur.” If using a design that’s digitized for a lighter weight thread, such as 40 wt. Rayon, the thread thickness will not fit in the space required by the design. This will result in a lot of thread breakage and thread overlaps. Peekaboo Pets are all digitized for Filaine, with some Rayon sprinkled throughout for the details, such as whiskers and eyes. Be sure to refer to the included stitch sequence chart for each design to make sure you’re switching thread weights when indicated during the embroidery process.
- Use a size 100/16 Needle for best results. Some users have had success with a Titanium 90/14 Needle as well. The Titanium Needles are extra durable and handle the thread thickness very well.
- When brushing the design after embroidery is complete, brush in the same direction for subtle fur. Or brush in every direction to create a lot of texture. Be careful to not catch any thread loops in the wire brush bristles.
Personalize pet beds, stockings and kibble catchers with this collection, adding a pet’s name or even a monogram. Memorialize a beloved pet in a quilt block, or label a treat pouch with one of the designs. Change up the thread colors if needed to ensure the design looks like your dog or cat!
What will YOU make with Peekaboo Pets?