Quick Gift for Moms, Mimis & Grandmas for Kids to Make
Teach Kids to Sew with a Quick Gift for Mom!
We can’t get enough quick gift ideas for Mother’s Day. Moms deserve this special day so much after all they do each and every day!
Earlier this month we posted five great gift ideas, including projects and no-sew gifties, but we wanted to provide something that the kids could make themselves.
Our good friend Stephanie of Swoodson Says has some wonderful project ideas that make great quick gift for moms, mimis, grandmas, aunties and best friends. Here is one to get your creative juices flowing.
Hand Embroidered Quick Gift
Not only does this make a great quick gift, but this project helps teach kids how to sew, too! By using Sulky Stick ‘n Stitch and Sulky 12 Wt. Cotton Petites thread, it’s easy to draw a name or picture to follow with needle and thread.
I often call hand embroidery the “gateway drug” because it helps people understand the fundamentals of sewing–how the thread interlocks to form a stitch. Plus, playing with pretty threads and feeling them in your fingers is super addictive! My kids absolutely love hand sewing. They started with plastic needles and plastic cross-stitch sheets. Now they are confident with a real needle and thread, though their stitches are far from perfect. The good news is, there is plenty of time for them to hone their skills! (They also absolutely love using the sewing machine, but I digress.)
Get Started
Teach a simple back-stitch, choose a large needle for easy gripping, and have the child practice on a paper plate. Then have him/her draw a name, phrase (I {heart} you), or design right onto the Stick ‘n Stitch, place it over the fabric right side, and start stitching along the drawn lines.
Follow Stephanie’s tutorial for the entire how-to, and to learn how to finish the hooped art in order to display it on the wall.
For a little extra guidance, watch her video with your kiddo to fully immerse him/her into the craft.
What a great keepsake this makes. The little hoop looks great on a ledge, hanging on a wall or at an office. Plus, it is a great reminder of little hands and sweet sentiments.
Thank you Stephanie! Sign up for Stephanie’s newsletter to receive cute projects like this delivered right to your inbox.