Serger Scarf with Frilly Edges
Serger Scarf
Create a quick-and-easy serger scarf using lightweight jersey fabric. Choose a decorative thread, such as Sulky 30 wt. Cotton Blendables™, for the rolled hem edges, as the thread is easily the star of this project. Poly Deco™, a 40 wt. thread typically used for machine embroidery, is also a great choice when a colorful sheen is desired.
This project is an excerpt from the book Serger 101: a Field Guide, by Katrina Walker. Designs copyright @2020 by Katrina Walker from the book Serger 101 from C&T Publishing, Inc.
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Designed by Katrina Walker
Finished Size: 42” x 10”
This fun and frilly edged scarf is a great way to play with rolled hems! Stretchy tissue weight jersey knit and differential feed makes it easy. Create a soft scarf that’s either subtle or colorful, depending on your choice of fabrics and thread. Be sure to test before construction to ensure you’re happy with your thread choice and stitch-length setting.
- 1/4 yard each of three coordinating lightweight jersey knit fabrics (colors 1, 2 & 3)
- Thread: Serger, embroidery, wooly nylon, or specialty thread
- Thread sealant
- Spray starch (optional)
From each fabric, cut one strip 4″ wide. Cut the fabric crosswise x the width of fabric. For knit fabrics, the greatest stretch is usually in the crosswise direction.
TIP: Tissue jersey can be challenging to cut and sew due to curling edges. Use spray starch or a liquid stabilizer to tame the fabric before cutting.
Seam allowances are equal to depth of rolled hem, unless otherwise noted.
Set Up the Serger
Thread and adjust the serger to create a rolled hem. Set the differential feed to its slowest setting (below 0).
Using scrap pieces, test thread choice(s) and serger stitch settings. Adjust as needed.
Align the strip of fabric color 1 with the strip of color 2 along one long edge, with wrong sides together. This will place the lettuce edging on the right side of the fabric.
Seam one long edge of the fabric strips together using the lettuce edge rolled hem stitch.
Align the strip of fabric color 3 along the remaining long raw edge of fabric color 2, with wrong sides together.
Seam the long edge of fabric colors 2 and 3 together using the lettuce edge rolled hem.
Hem the remaining raw long scarf edges (fabric color 1 and 3), with the right side (lettuce edge) up.
Hem the remaining scarf short ends.
Seal the hem thread chains with a drop of thread sealant. Trim the threads close to the scarf edge when dry to finish the scarf.