Free Martin Luther King Jr. Embroidery Design
Martin Luther King Jr. Embroidery Design
To honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we have this free downloadable embroidery design with one of his many amazing quotes. I hope this blesses you as it has me.
Growing up in the Atlanta area meant that I had the privilege of learning about the great work that Martin Luther King, Jr., did for civil rights first hand. I remember my amazing mama taking me to the Magnolia Room and explaining to me that Dr. King had been arrested in this very restaurant just because of the color of his skin. I have had the honor to go to Ebenezer Baptist Church and explore the King Center. He was an amazing man and we are all indebted to him for the work he did. All too often, Dr. King is seen as a harsh contentious man, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you listen to his messages and learn about his life, he was all about love and peace.

Mary K. Ptak MacTarnaghan
Just finished stitching this out in honor of Marin Luther King Jr. Day.
susan cherry
This design popped up today and I would really like to be able to obtain it however, there appears to be an issue with the website. Please advise as I am sure Im not the only person who is interested in it. Thanks
Kelly Nagel
We are having issues with the Embroidery Club website so we have moved the design to here: https://www.sulky.com/inspiration/martin-luther-king-jr-embroidery-design/
I am also trying the download the MLK design. Please help.
Kelly Nagel
Here it is: https://www.sulky.com/inspiration/martin-luther-king-jr-embroidery-design/