Holiday Pillow Pattern & Stocking Embroidery Design
Holiday Pillow Pattern
with Fur Stocking Machine Embroidery
designed by Ellen March
This holiday pillow pattern showcases machine embroidered appliquéd stockings that have a faux-fur cuff made completely with Sulky Filaine thread!
After embroidery, the thread is brushed with the wire Filaine brush, to “bloom” the thread and create a faux-fur effect.
Sulky Poly Sparkle™ thread is used for the stocking outline to add some festive sparkle. The 30 wt. thread is polyester with flecks of metallic running through it, so it’s the easiest metallic thread to sew!
The pillowcase base is sewn in luxurious wool felt by The Felt Pod and is stuffed with Poly-Fil from Fairfield World. To celebrate Fairfield World’s 80th Birthday Celebration, Sulky designed these pillows. Happy Birthday, Fairfield!
FREE instructions include steps to make the small pillow featured above as well as the large pillow featured below. Make both and arrange them together. Or, choose just one to add to your holiday pillow collection.
- Sulky Fur Stocking machine embroidery design (2×3 for small pillow, 3×4 for large pillow)
- Thread: Sulky Filaine™ (Light Mist: 864-3976), Poly Star™ (Burgundy with Tone on Tone Sparkle: 965-0906), Bobbin (White: 882-0010), 50 wt. Cotton+Steel thread (Black 753-1005)
- Sulky Sticky+™ stabilizer
- Organ™ Needles: size 90/14 Embroidery or Titanium (for Poly Star outline stitching) & 100/16 Top Stitch Titanium (for fur cuff Filaine stitching)
- Polyester fiberfill (featured: Poly-Fil by Fairfield World)
- Filaine wire brush
- KK 2000™ Temporary Spray Adhesive
- Appliqué scissors
- Fray Check™
- Removable fabric marker, such as a chalk pencil
- (2) 18” wool felt sheets (featured: Red Wool Felt by The Felt Pod)
- (4) 5” x 7” rectangles of cotton print fabric (appliqués)
- 2 1/4 yards of 1 ½”-diameter white pom-pom fringe trim
- (2) 9” x 16” rectangles of wool felt (featured: Red Wool Felt by The Felt Pod)
- (4) 3” x 4” rectangles of cotton print fabric (appliqués)
- (4) 11” lengths & (1) 18” length of 1/8”-wide black ribbon or baby rickrack
- Pre-made black ribbon bows (optional)
Grab the tutorial for FREE, which includes the Sulky Fur Stocking machine embroidery design file in the format of your choice. (Note: Bernina users use EXP; ART is unavailable.)

Curvy Girls are Chic
Hi Ellen this is wonderful! Thank you for the pattern great items to make for Christmas gifts! i have a question – when you click the link to the thread there is a design of a lion there… where can I find the pattern and instruction on this..
Ellen March
Everything you need is through this link: https://www.sulky.com/free-projects/
Once you provide your email address, you’ll see the pillow pattern image. Click on that and there will be two files for you: one is the PDF of the stocking instructions, and the other is the download for the embroidery design files. If you are still having trouble, please email us at [email protected] and we are happy to help!
Kathryn Rife
I love the embroidered stocking applique pillows. Thank you! I downloaded the pillow instructions, but I cannot find the embroidery files. When I click on the hyperlink for them within the instructions, it takes me back to the page where it asks me to give my email to receive free projects. Can you help me?
Ellen March
Hi Kathryn,
Go back to the landing page where you downloaded the instructions and you will find the link to download the embroidery design files. If you are still having trouble, please email us at [email protected].
Candice Cox Blann
I also could not locate the embroidery files, only the instructions when I click on the link for the embroidery files. I am having the same issue as the above comment.
Ellen March
Hi Candice,
When you click through on the Free Projects page, the landing page gives you two links: one for the embroidery files and one for the pillow instructions. You need both downloads to make the pillow. If you are still having trouble, please email us at [email protected].
Kathryn Rife
Ellen, thank you so much for your help. The link you provided took me directly to the landing page, and when I clicked on Download the directions, indeed there were 2 files. (I could swear that there was only 1 file yesterday … the one for the pdf of instructions.) Anyway, now I have the embroidery files too. Thanks again. I’m looking forward to making both pillow sizes.
Curvy Girls are Chic
Hello Ellen there is a bit of confusion. I am able to retrieve the files as stated. When I go to purchase the Ice thread it shows some other examples of use of the thread with other projects? Where can I find those.. in particular the lion on the last photo.
Ellen March
I see! That Lion is a design from Embroidery Library. https://www.emblibrary.com/EL/Products.aspx?Catalog=Emblibrary&ProductID=M21453
Also, if you search our blog for “Filaine” you will find all of the other projects that feature the thread. I hope this helps!