Quiltcon 2021 – Your Chance to Attend Virtually!
Quiltcon 2021
We’re at Quiltcon this year and you’re invited!
With just about everything going virtual this year, we’re happy to be part of Quiltcon 2021. If you’ve ever wondered what happens at Quiltcon in person, now it your chance to experience it in the comfort of your own home!
Quiltcon Together happens from Feb 18-22, 2021 and you can join every day or choose the day that works with your schedule.
Presented by the Modern Quilt Guild, QuiltCon is the largest modern quilting show of its kind.
Each year, thousands of attendees come to see over nearly 600 modern quilts on display, including 400 juried in from MQG members around the world. This brand new online version of QuiltCon will still feature a juried quilt show as well as top notch workshops and lectures. The five day event will include live lectures, panels, and tours, as well as on-demand workshops and socialization, too.
Once registered, navigate to the Sulky “booth” to see everything we’ve prepared for you for this event. You’ll find FREE handwork resources to create a beautiful Dandelion Hand Embroidery design. Use it to embellish everything you create, from quilts to garments to home décor.
Sulky has been the Quiltcon Handwork Lounge sponsor for two years now. Even if you’re not into handwork or haven’t done it in a long time, you’ll be inspired by the projects we’ve created for you to follow along with in 2021.
We’ll also give you resources for adding dandelions to everything you create! Create a dandelion appliqué, dandelion machine embroidery design or cross-stitch style embellishment. The dandelion is our symbol of change and joy for 2021 and you’ll learn why at our virtual booth!
Quiltcon attendees will get a special deal on our new Dandelion Hand Embroidery palette, including six spools of Sulky Cotton Petites™ Thread to create the dandelion pictured above. Plus, we’ve created videos and more fun project downloads for you to learn and hone your handwork, machine embroidery, quilting and sewing skills.
There is still time to register (until midnight tonight!) and experience Quiltcon! Take this virtual vacation and browse the vendor hall for loads of special deals, classes with experts and more. We’d love to “see” you there!

Elaine J Hoffert
I was at the class for the irish mini quilt. You stated the we could find the embroidery design at osdo. I went to the web site but cld not find it. What am I doing wrong.
Ellen March
Hi Elaine. You can find the design here: https://bit.ly/2YobKkw
Elaine J Hoffert
thank you, found. it.
Gwen Brock
Can you see all the quilts that were entered this year in your quilt show? If so, how do I see all of them. I saw the winners. Thanks.
Ellen March
Hello! It is not “our” quilt show, but through Quiltcon. I believe you need to register in order to see all of the quilts. You can reach out to them here: https://www.quiltcon.com/contact.