• Simple and Sweet Baby Quilts – Tutorial

      When I received this baby shower invite, I was ecstatic! My friend Vicki has wanted a baby for so long so and to hear the news that it was twins just added joy. I knew that I wanted the gifts to be special. So I called my friend and Professional Long Arm Quilter, Donna Cusick, and asked if we could make some baby quilts for these two little baby boys. These are the quilts we made and here is how to make them for your next baby shower. Supplies: (2) 12-1/2″ squares from 3 coordinating fabrics for the front 1-1/2 yards of fabric for the back (We used Cuddle™ fabric)…

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  • Tips for Machine Embroidery on Onesies

    I have been all about baby lately! I have several friends that are having babies soon so I am making lots of baby things. I made a sweet blanket for one and Taggies for a set a twins. (Go here to check out the blanket and here for the Taggie tutorial). Next up, the onesies! I love seeing a brand new baby in a cute little onesie with a name or little embroidered applique on it, but let’s be honest, onesies are tiny and can be hard to embroider! Here are a few tips to make things a little easier. Hoop Size. Use a hoop that is about the same…