Advent Stockings to Count Down to Christmas
Advent Stockings – Free Pattern!
Count down the days to Christmas with cute little stockings that hang on a tree or mantel. Fill each stocking with a fun craft, trinket or goodie to add to the holiday cheer.
- Sulky Advent Stocking Pattern (it’s free til Dec 1, 2023!)
- Sulky 30 wt. Cotton Blendables® Thread (featured colors: Forever Green 733-4051 & Redwork 733-4042)
- Sulky 50 wt. Cotton Thread
- (4) colors of Sulky Felty (featured: Green 3000211, Dark Green 3000213, Red 3000208, Dark Red 3000209)
- Perfect Appliqué Fusible Web
- Organ® Needles:
- size 90/14 Top Stitch (appliqué)
- size 80/12 Universal (construction)
The Advent Stocking Pattern comes with a mini stocking template. If using Felty, no additional seam allowances are needed, as the front and back stockings are constructed with wrong sides together. Depending on preference, make the stockings with right sides together, and then turn right side out to conceal the seam allowance edges. To use the “right sides together” method, add 1/4″ to the stocking side curved edges (not the upper edge) to account for turning right side out.
The raw-edge look is quite cute, however, and is made even cuter using a scallop-edge scissors. Either purchase a rotary cutting blade with a wavy edge, scallop scisssors, or use pinking shears to achieve a similar result.
Each number is appliquéd to the stocking front piece using Sulky 30 wt. Blendables Thread. It allows you to incorporate many colors into the appliqué without swapping thread colors. Choose a red Blendables Thread for the red appliqués and a green variety for the green appliqués. Or choose one thread color that contrasts both.
Sulky Felty is 100% polyester, so it’s washable and fusible! If desired, use a cotton print fabric for each number to add holiday motifs to the design. Be sure to apply Sulky Perfect Appliqué Fusible Web to the appliqué wrong side to ensure the edges won’t fray too much over time and to provide a permanent bond.
The hanging loop, made of Felty, is stitched to the stocking back before stitching the front and back together, completing the stocking.
Alternatively, use ribbon or rickrack for the hanging loop.
To display, hang the stockings on a Christmas Tree and fill with candies and toys to delight kids of all ages. Each day leading up to Christmas, they can find a new surprise.
Or, string the Advent Stockings on a felt or faux evergreen garland and hang from a mantel or wall hooks.
Enjoy this pattern, which includes the stocking template and numbers 0-9 for combining into any number combination you desire. The pattern is free until Dec 1, 2023!