Bags,  Breast Cancer Awareness,  Gift Ideas,  Tutorials

A Great Bag Tutorial For Breast Cancer Awareness Month

a-great-bag-tutorialIn honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I decided to make a bag to hold my bras and undies when I travel.

beat-cancer-bag-finished-2If you have been reading my blog for a while, then you may remember that one of my best friends is a breast cancer survivor. She fought like a girl and after a long journey through chemo, radiation, several surgeries and recovery, I am happy to report she is cancer free. Ladies, please, get your mammogram. It’s uncomfortable, I know, but after walking through this journey with my friend, I can say with confidence that a squish of your girls is a much better option.

Okay, I am off my soap box and onto the tutorial. Here you go:



  1. Embroider the machine embroidery designs on the 12-1/2″ x 7″ pieces of gray fabric (HINT: I did my machine embroidery first and then cut them to the proper size). I didn’t follow the color chart with the design because I wanted my designs to be all pink, but I did follow the chart so I knew when to put down and trim my fabric pieces. beat-cancer-bag-5
  2. Use a 1/4″ seam allowance to sew the three grey pieces to the pink pieces in between. beat-cancer-bag-4When you have sewn the pink strips all on, match the 12-1/2″ side of the first grey piece to the last pink piece, right sides together, and sew – again using a 1/4″ seam allowance. You can press your seams open if you choose.beat-cancer-bag-3beat-cancer-bag
  3. Download and print out the circle template. You will notice that it is only an 8″ circle. You will need to add a 1/4″ seam allowance when you are cutting it out. beat-cancer-bag-27I only did an 8″ template because 8-1/2″ would not have printed on a standard sheet of paper. Use the KK 2000 the secure the circle to your fabric to cut it out. beat-cancer-bag-28When you are finished, you can iron the template and the heat will dissipate the KK 2000 like magic!beat-cancer-bag-26
  4. With right sides together, pin and sew the circle to the bottom of the tube you just made with your other pieces. beat-cancer-bag-25beat-cancer-bag-24Set this aside for a minute and do the lining.
  5. With right sides together, sew the 16-1/2″ sides of the lining fabric together, using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Leave 4″ of the seam not sewn.beat-cancer-bag-22
  6. Press the seam allowance open.beat-cancer-bag-20
  7. Using the circle template, cut the 8-1/2″ circle out of the lining fabric, just like you did for the grey fabric.
  8. With right sides together, pin and sew the circle to the bottom of the tube you just made with your lining fabric, but leave an opening for turning.beat-cancer-bag-19
  9. Take the outside bag and turn it so the right side is facing out. Place it inside the lining with right sides together.beat-cancer-bag-18
  10. Pin the top edges together. Be sure to carefully pin the lining where the seam is not sewn.beat-cancer-bag-17
  11. Sew with a 3/8″ seam allowance, backstitching over the area where the lining seam is not sewn.
  12. Using the opening that you left in the bottom of the lining, turn the project right side out.beat-cancer-bag-13
  13. Push the lining into the bag.beat-cancer-bag-11
  14. Hand sew the opening closed.beat-cancer-bag-12
  15. Iron so that 2″ of the lining is showing at the top.
  16. Topstitch about 1 1/2″ from the top to form a casing for the ribbon.beat-cancer-bag-top-stitch-casing
  17. Using a safety pin, thread the ribbon through the top casing.beat-cancer-10
  18. Tie the ribbons ends to together and viola! Your bag is done!beat-cancer-bag-9

Now just put your bras and undies inside and you are ready for your trip.beat-cancer-bag-8

Happy Sewing!

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