• makeup brush roll up

    Makeup Brush Roll – Quick Mother’s Day Gift

    MAKEUP BRUSH ROLL Quick Mother’s Day Gift Dive into your stash and grab a fat quarter of cute fabric to make this makeup brush roll. This gift makes a great Mother’s Day present that fits not only makeup brushes, but also pencils, paint brushes, sewing notions and more. Fill it with trinkets to add to the gift, or leave it as-is and let the recipient decide what to tote inside. The addition of vinyl is completely optional, but protects the inside of the roll from makeup or art-supply debris, making it easily washable with a damp cloth. Alternatively, use laminated cotton for the interior and exterior. However, if using quilting…

  • Trimmed Tea Towels with Valentine Embroidery

    Trimmed Tea Towel with Valentine Embroidery

    Create a Trimmed Tea Towel for Valentine’s Day Decor This trimmed tea towel is adorned with cute Valentine’s Day themed fabrics, ribbon or trim, and embroidered with one of seven designs from the Sulky Scrolling Hearts design collection. The “I Heart You” thread palette includes the entire Scrolling Hearts design collection, along with 10 spools of Sulky rayon and metallic threads. Create several coordinating tea towels, using different designs for each, to display in your home for Valentine’s Day. SUPPLIES Sulky I Heart You thread palette Cotton + Steel thread by Sulky (to match towel and/or fabrics) Sulky Tear-Easy™ stabilizer Size 90/14 Organ embroidery needle & 70/10 Universal needle Sulky…