7 Reasons to Sew Every Day
Sewing is my favorite hobby. I really would rather sew than just about anything, but life, kids, the house, the hubby , the job…it all seems to drown out that precious time to sew.
One the my favorite bits of advice that I received when I asked you to send in advice to new sewists (see that post here) was to sew for at least 20 minutes per day! I love that and have tried to put that great advice into practice ever since then. It has been an amazing change for me in my life! Today I want to motivate you to do the same thing by giving you seven reasons to sew every day.
Seven Reasons to Sew Everyday
- You will finish things! – You know all those projects you have sitting around (probably in zip-lock bags) that are past the fun stage and are now just in the finishing-up stage? You know…putting on the binding, adding the buttonholes, piecing the finished blocks together, etc. If you set aside 20 minutes of sewing every day, these little things start to get done!
- You will be more creative – Sometimes all we need to get the creative juices flowing is to just sew. Even hemming a pair of the hubby’s pants can spark an amazing idea. Just being in my sewing studio is inspiring, but when I am actually at the machine or doing hand stitching, it is like the creative part of my brain gets turned on. Sewing everyday is often what gives me the next project to be excited about.
- You can make gifts for your friends and family – If you are sewing every day for 20 minutes, you will finish projects. Some days, you will walk into your studio and think, “Hhmm, what should I sew today? Those are the days you should look at your calendar (or facebook page) and see which family member or friend has the next birthday. Then, check out this post and make them something! Maybe you have a friend who is having a baby. This Taggie is quick and easy to make and could be finished in a couple 20-minute sewing sessions. If you dedicated 2 of your 20-minute sewing session a week to making gifts, you would never be without the perfect homemade gift again.
- You can actually make something for yourself (and not feel guilty) – If you are dedicating 2 of your sewing sessions to others, you can have the rest for yourself and not feel guilty! Finally, you will have the time to update the throw pillows on your sofa or work on the quilt that you want for your bed.
- You will be a happier person – I love to sew, quilt and craft. When I am sewing, I am happy, content and calm. And I am less likely to bite someone’s head off 🙂
- Your sewing skills will improve – This may seem like an obvious one, but I must say, this was the most surprising for me. It makes sense that the more you sew, the better you will be, but I have been sewing as a hobby for years at basically the same skill level. I don’t know what it is about 20 minutes of sewing every day, maybe the repetition? Maybe just the sheer volume? Maybe because I am not rushed to get a project completed? But I have seen a vast improvement in my sewing skills simply by sewing every day.
- You can try new things – You know all those times you have seen a cool new project or technique in a store and thought, “I would love to try that, but I have so many things already, I just couldn’t add anything new to my plate.” If you are sewing everyday, adding a new project or technique to learn doesn’t seem so daunting! Maybe you even dedicate one 20-minute session a week to new things!
So what do you think? Will you try it? Can you think of other benefits to sewing every day? If so, put them in the comments below.
Happy Sewing!

Barbara Lussier
Knowing that I have made time for sewing encourages me to get through all those other chores that I would rather not be doing. 🙂
Joan Shriver
Does ripping out count as sewing?
Vicki Jump
Yes!! It has to. I’ve done,so much of that in even buying new seam rippers looking for the sharpest one
Yes it does..it’s call unsewing lol
Having something finished and usable is great motivation. Then you have the perfect reason to start something new.
Fran Johnson
You should never, ever under any circumstances feel guilty for sewing something, anything for yourself.
Thank you for the tip. It’s seems like I work my schedule, when I off its all about household chores. By the time I’m done, it’s back to work. I’m going to try it. Thanks again.
Marlene Hosick
yep … it even has a name … the Frog stitch … rip it rip it rip it ….
I work long irregular hours and sewing is my stress reliever. If I have 15, 20, or 30 minutes, I do prep work like cutting or selecting embroidery threads, so I can spend three hours one morning or afternoon a week simply sewing. About 50 % of what I make stays in our home. This weekend I’ll be stitching out cases for my husband’s reading glasses.
Sewing relaxes me so when I’ve taken the time to sew, it helps me be calm, it helps boost my self love, because I can see these great projects I’ve finished or have been working on!
What l lovely idea. I am going to try this. When I think about sewing I often say I don’t have time. That is because I usually try to sew in large blocks of time,but surely I can squeeze in 20 minutes a day. I am going to make a dedicated effort to try this, starting today. Thank You for this article.