Pie Placemats Perfect for Fall
Pie Placemats
A set of pie placemats are perfect for fall, when we’re baking (and eating!) lots of pie! Begin by following some of the instructions for our Citrus Slice Placemats, but change the “rind” to mimic a fluted pie-crust edge of a pie. Of course, you’ll also need to change the fabric colors to match your favorite pie, too.
- Patternmaking materials (paper, pencil, hand embroidery hoop or compass)
- Sulky 50 wt. Cotton Thread (white or off-white to match pith & color to match citrus fabric)
- Sulky Perfect Appliqué Fusible Web
- Pie crust colored fabrics (approximately two 16″ squares for each placemat)
- Pie filling colored fabric (approximately one 15″ square for each placemat)
- Low-loft batting (approximately one 16″ square for each placemat)
- Binding: self- or pre-made (similar to the pie crust fabric color)
- Sulky KK 2000™ Temporary Spray Adhesive
- Organ® size 70/10 Universal Needle
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Tape together four sheets of 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper to create one large approximate 16″ x 21″ rectangle.
Draw a 14″-diameter circle onto the paper, using a compass or trace a hand embroidery hoop.
Draw a 13″-diameter circle inside the previous circle.
Created a fluted pie crust edge by drawing a wavy line along the outer circle. It’s best to freehand draw this to have an organic shape.
Then, draw the same wavy line along the inner circle.
If making a lattice crust, instead of a wavy fluted edge, draw a lattice grid inside the innermost circle.
If making a double-crust pie, don’t draw an innermost line. Rather, draw slits into the center of the circle to mimic the air vents, such as for an apple pie.
Once satisfied with the “crust” pattern, transfer it to the paper side of Perfect Appliqué Fusible Web.
Fuse the Perfect Appliqué upper-crust piece to the wrong side of one crust fabric rectangle. Then, cut out the upper-crust piece along the inner and outer wavy lines..
Place the pie-filling fabric square wrong side up on a flat work surface. Spray the fabric wrong side with KK 2000. Center the batting square over the fabric; use your hands to smooth it in place so there are no lumps or folds without stretching the fabric.
Center one pie-crust fabric right side up over the batting, using more KK 2000 to secure. This is the placemat back.
Install a new size 70/10 Universal Needle. Thread the machine with Sulky 50 wt. Cotton Thread that matches the filling fabric in the needle and the crust fabric in the bobbin. Using a removable fabric marker, draw a line/circle about 1/4″ beyond the upper-crust outer edge onto the pie-filing side to denote the placemat outer edge.
Quilt through all layers. Try “bubble” or circular freemotion stitching to mimic cherries (for a lattice crust), or stitch eight intersecting lines to “segment” the pie into slices.
Center the upper crust piece (with fusible web attached) right side up over the quilted pie-filling fabric. Remove the paper backing of the appliqué, and then fuse in place.
Set the machine for a straight stitch or decorative stitch of your choice for the appliqué. Thread the machine with Sulky 50 wt. Cotton Thread that matches the pith fabric in the needle and the color that matches the citrus fabric in the bobbin.
Stitch along the crust perimeter in the manner of your choice. The featured placemats were stitched just inside the crust edges for a raw-edge appliqué look.
When the quilting and appliqué are complete, mark and then trim the square 1/4″ beyond the crust outermost edge.
TIP: Add a dollop of “whipped cream” to the pie by appliquéing a cloud-shaped piece of white Sulky Felty to the pie placemat center.
You’ll need a length of binding measuring about 50″ for each placemat.
If creating your own binding, begin with 2 1/4″-wide bias fabric strip. Piece together strips along the short ends until the necessary length is achieved. If making multiple placemats, make one super long strip and trim it with each placemat application. Fold the strip in half lengthwise with wrong sides together; press. Apply the binding per your preferred method; either railroading the ends or piecing them together.
Repeat to create as many pie placemats as desired to fit your fall table!

Andie Letourneau
Do you have pictures of the other pie styles?
Ellen March
I showcased an apple pie version on Sew What? – on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel – just yesterday. You can view it here:https://www.youtube.com/live/ZhycokIkwFA?feature=shared