Sewing Pillowcases for Charity: Ryan’s Case for Smiles
The 2019 Sewing for Charity with Sulky continues with more pillowcases for people in need! This month, we’re sewing pillowcases for charity, working with Ryan’s Case for Smiles to make pillowcases for children who are hospitalized for cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. A hospital stay can be a terrifying experience for a child. Recent research indicates 20% of children who are hospitalized with cancer, and 30% of their mothers, suffer full symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). These rates are comparable to that experienced by U.S. War Veterans serving since the Vietnam War. The good news is trauma can be minimized and outcomes improved through experiences that reduce stress. About…
Embroider a Pillowcase for Memory Care Patients
Learn how to embroider a pillowcase with our free pattern, plus donate it to a charity of your choice. We’re focusing our charity sewing effort on Memory Care facilities this month, and partnered with a facility to provide them with personalized pillowcases for their residents. If you’d like to join our effort and embroider a pillowcase, comment on this post and we’ll provide you with a name of a resident and mailing instructions for your pillowcase. This partnership will end March 16, 2019. After that time, or in lieu of participating in our effort, please contact a facility in your neighborhood and ask if they’d take pillowcase donations. Or embroider a…
2019 Sewing for Charity with Sulky: Pillowcases for People in Need
2019 Sewing for Charity with Sulky Sulky of America is proud to launch a sewing for charity effort for 2019: Pillowcases for People in Need The gift of a pillowcase, our 2019 sewing for charity effort, is a small gesture, but one that comforts people of all walks of life. A nice safe place to rest our head is sometimes a great respite for the trials and tribulations that hardship can bring. Many charities accept handmade pillowcases and are built around distributing them to those in need. A pillowcase also makes a great gift to comfort a friend if he/she is experiencing an illness, death in the family, or other…