Sewing Tips
10 Machine Embroidery Myths – True or False?
10 Machine Embroidery Myths To kick off National Embroidery Month, we’re diving into 10 machine embroidery myths. Are these myths true or false…or both? Join us all month long as we learn all about hand embroidery, machine embroidery, free-motion embroidery and more. Fun projects, freebies and product reviews abound! 1. Machine Embroidery Is Too Complicated FALSE. Most people believe that machine embroidery is a very technical skill to master. It’s assumed that because a larger, typically more expensive, machine is required, the skill level must be off the charts. While machine embroidery does require some basic knowledge, practice and “recipes” for success, the actual process is as simple as pressing…
Knit Pajamas – Patterns to Make & Give + Hemming Tips & Tricks
Knit Pajamas for All! Knit pajamas make great holiday gifts, whether you make them to match for holiday greeting cards or make them different to suit each recipient’s interests. My children have come to expect new pajamas each Christmas and I like to change them up a bit year after year. They’ll get footie pajamas here or a cozy onesie there. Whether I change the fabric type or the style, they’re all a bit different. This year I’m making knit pajamas for the kiddos. I’m even making myself a pair, using a FREE leggings pattern! In the past I’ve made flannel PJs, nightshirts for my girls and fleece PJ pants…
Machine Embroidery Appliqué + Fuzzy Quilts to Make
Machine Embroidery Appliqué is Super Fun & Easy! Create a fuzzy quilt featuring machine embroidery appliqué using an easy-to-make quilt kit. Don’t you just love a cozy quilt? Using Cuddle fabric is always a go-to when making a baby quilt or holiday-themed throw, amirite?These kits include Cuddle fabrics by Shannon Fabrics, precut (so you don’t have to shed-proof your sewing area) and ready to sew and embellish with machine embroidery appliqué. Also included is the Tear-Easy and Ultra Solvy stabilizer you need to create a fun motif, either the Frankie or Elephant. What is Machine Embroidery Appliqué? If you’ve never tried appliqué in an embroidery machine, you’re in for a…
Paper Pieced Pumpkin Tote + Intro to Foundation Paper Piecing
Paper Pieced Pumpkin Pocket Tote Make a paper pieced pumpkin tote and learn the basics of foundation paper piecing in the process. Foundation Paper Piecing 101 Foundation paper piecing is a fun technique that’s made super easy with Sulky Paper Solvy. Loads of foundation paper piecing patterns exist, and the patterns are typically available to download and print (love the instant gratification!), so it’s easy to print them right onto the Paper Solvy and start stitching. Here’s the down-low on how to do foundation paper piecing and achieve great results. Using Sulky Paper Solvy stabilizer is a great way to use designs off your computer or the internet. Print or…
Make a Halloween Quilt with Applique Embroidery Designs
A Halloween quilt is a great home-decor project that serves many purposes! Throw it over the couch to cozy up with; hang it on the wall to display a festive vibe; bundle up little ones in their strollers on Halloween night. The quilt size is great to comfort kids, gift as a lap quilt or even pamper your pet’s bed. Constructed by strip piecing, the Cuddle fabric by Shannon Fabrics is like butter to sew. With our convenient kit, you won’t even have to contend with cutting it, either! Thee strips are ready to sew and embroider, complete with stabilizers and six spools of high-quality Sulky rayon thread. Halloween Quilt…
Machine Embroidery on Swimsuits: 10 Secrets of Success
Machine Embroidery on Swimsuits Machine embroidery on swimsuits doesn’t have to be as difficult as it seems. With a few tips and techniques, Spandex and Lycra blends actually can behave and undergo multiple needle penetrations to produce beautiful stitchouts. Whether a two-piece or one-piece style, swimsuits offer more of a canvas to play with when it comes to machine embroidery designs. People tend to be a bit more adventurous with embellishments on swimwear, opting for fringe, bling and outlandish patterns. If you want to go big and choose a design that’s a bit outside of your comfort zone, or a design you love that won’t fit anything else in your…
How to Sew Metallic Thread on It’s Sew Easy
Metallic is the new black! No need to shy away from learning how to sew metallic thread. It’s not as difficult as you may think. This metallic cork tote was made for It’s Sew Easy, a public television show on PBS and Create stations nationwide. The 1700 series begins airing today, May 16, 2019. The metallic tote above is featured on the second episode of the series, 1702. Contact your local PBS station to find out when it airs in your area, as each station has different programming schedules. Ellen March, Director of Content for Sulky takes you through some of the construction of the tote as well as tips…
Patriotic Pinnacle Crafty Gemini Table Runner
Learn how to create Vanessa Wilson’s (aka Crafty Gemini) Pinnacle Table Runner – Patriotic style in our free webinar. Vanessa’s past webinar showcasing her fun, colorful crafty gemini table runner was a huge hit – so much so that we decided to re-create that same project into a festive patriotic piece that can be used for Independence Day celebrations. Ellen March, Sulky’s Director of Content, even added some fun patriotic embroidery designs! This is a super fun, easy-to-make project that you can use year after year. Join us live or on-demand The live date is May 8, 2019 at 2:00 pm EDT, but you can watch it any time…
Choose the Right Needle for Sewing Projects
Choose The Right Sewing Needle Learning how to choose the right needle for your sewing projects is a skill that saves time and fabric. Sometimes many needles will do while other times only one specific needle will get the job done. So how do we choose the right sewing needle? Ask yourself the following questions: What type of fabric are you sewing: woven or knit? What technique are you using, such as topstitching, applique or embroidery? What thread weight are you using? The lower the number, the thicker the thread. So if you’re using a 12-wt cotton Petites thread, you’ll need a size 100/16 needle. Needle Type Universal needles are…
Wild-Motion Quilting
Wild-Motion Quilting Free Webinar With MJ Kinman – Textile Artist Learn the step-by-step process of wild-motion quilting with MJ Kinman, Nationally Know Artist, Quilting, and Designer in our Free Webinar. Wild-Motion quilting is a technique that MJ has perfected and features on her award-winning gem-stone quilts. In this free, 1-hour webcast you will learn the concepts behind Wild-Motion Quilting, while MJ teaches you step-by-step her entire process. Plus, you’ll learn how to apply these concepts to any quilt, including MJ’s amazing gem-stone quilts. March 12, 2019 2:00 pm EDT Can’t make it? You can still sign up and watch it on-demand following the initial broadcast! What you’ll learn: The…